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How ready are you really to handle an emergency? On July 28, 2018, from 9 am to 3 pm at the North Whidbey Middle School, the Island County Department of Emergency Management and the US Navy Fleet & Family Support Center will join forces to present a summit of emergency management experts and first responders.

The program will provide presentations and practical, hands-on skills to help community members become more informed, more capable, and more resilient during, and after, a man-made or natural disaster.

This event is the first-ever attempt at bringing together our civilian and military communities to learn from one another and become a unified neighborhood during a disaster.

The morning starts with presentations from earthquake and tsunami experts from the Washington State Department of Emergency Management.

The afternoon is filled with demonstrations on securing utilities, pet care, emergency wound treatment, CPR, food and water safety, and neighborhood mobilization. To learn more visit

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